Thursday 20 October 2011

AS Coursework:Video Skills&remaking

during this practical assessment,we choose about 40 seconds from the opening of The Pendant(psychological 2)from 0:45 to 1:26.
we filmed our sequence in the University of Nottingham in a sunny afternoon. so the whole film appears to be too bright to create a frightening atmosphere. next time, we are going to use the exposer to make it dimmer.
we saved the previous one in our mobil phone ,so that we can make sure that every shoot is as similar as possible to it.
in our clip, there wasn't any shoot that the camera was in the same position, so we needn't to keep checking  .
we managed lots of different shot type,angle and movement such as: mid-shot combined with high angle to show the character is frightened and we can see the look on her face clearly.

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