Thursday 8 December 2011

Half-term Homework Assignment --Min

In our film, we made sure to use tripod every time except for a scene that we held camera with hand not that steady to create tension.  Also, we remade the scene that that actor through pendant into lake, which in the previous one was not framed in the middle. And we tried to make every shot as similar as possible to the previous one. We used quite a lot different types of shots. For example, mid shots are mainly used on the character while some long shots were given to the ‘ghost’ when it is coming closer.
When doing editing, our film appeared to be too long, in order to make it flow together; we decided to cut the first or last bits in every shot. There wasn’t any editing transition in the previous one, so we didn’t add any.
Although it was a girl in our film that played a man’s role, she did a real good job. And we choose the University of Nottingham to do the remake, the surroundings were quite similar. So that we were able to film similarly. Unfortunately , it was a nice sunny afternoon, so it wasn’t so scare. One thing good was that we didn’t need to prepare for the costume but dressed as normal.
It was pity that I didn’t have any chance to use the camera or do the editing. The only thing I did was I wrote some part of the planning and he   report on our blog and scanned the planning.     I think we can add some sound effect and improve the film by using some function in imovie.
When it comes to final coursework, I think I will try to make my group listen to me and make a more detailed plan. We should clarify everyone’s duty and discuss more before filming not during filming.  

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