Tuesday 13 March 2012

Production Company Logo Research

Universal Pictures

in this oldest logo( July 22, 1914-1919): We see a circle with "UNIVERSAL" written above and "FILMS" written below. Inside the circle is some really small text that says "TRADE MARK". A Saturn-like ring surrounds the circle, which reads "THE TRANS-ATLANTIC FILM CO. LTD." (Universal's British distributor at the time).
it only has black&white on it, for at that time they can only product black and white films. also they are silent films so there wasn't any sound effect ass to it. as we can see, it is composed right in the middle of the frame.
1930's logo (clip):from this logo, we can still observe similarities to the older one--the global, the company name, but with a motion, with a little plane flying around it.

in this logo, witch is shown in universal's 75th anniversary ,we can see they add the classic scene from E.T( witch is made in 1982 and really shocked the world)  to the original one. by now, the textural part used to surrounding the global  that suggesting their company name has been replaced by the black paper-cut like picture. and  there is a clear title relating to the film ET.

here is an excellent clip including most of universal's logo showed before the film and the newest --100 anniversary logo ---

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