Thursday 3 November 2011

Half-term Homeware Assignment-Elaine Wen

We re-made the psychological film before half term. In our film, we put camera on a tripod during our shooting except for we wanted to make an terrible ambience, when we shot the part from the back of the tree we held camera in hand and use shaking of camera to create sense.
Because it is a remake film so we tried our best to make sure our film looks similar to the original one, so we did try our best to frame the shots as similar as they did. And we used lots of different type of shot e.g. extreme long shot to show the strange people and mid shot for the main scene. Also we use canted angle to build sense .At the end of our film we used extreme close up and focus to show the pendant which came back from water. That is my favourite part. We do used some composition techniques
Our film really follow the rule of continuity, they link up with each other really well, because when we shot the film we had been really careful with the angle we moved and we remembered the degrees rules .We cut unwanted parts of our shots and then put them together and then we adjusted the light level of our shots and adjusted speed of some of them.
We shot our film in the University of Nottingham; we chose the river side because it looked like the place the original film chose. Although our actor is a girl and acted a man, but she still did really well in the film, and our film is psychological so we don’t really need make up and special costume, the actor just wear as normal. The only regret was the weather was really fine and couldn’t show hundred percent of awful sense.
We did teamwork really well, but some of our mate was a bit shy, if she could be talkable I think she maybe feeling better. I didn’t do a lot of shooting of the film, but I edited most of them and I found the location and drawn the planning picture. I think we need to add background music and some special effects in the film. In our final coursework film, we will add more background music and add some special effects into the film, and also use more shot types. We need more chat in the team as well to make sure everyone has their work to do.

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