Sunday 6 November 2011

Half-term Homeware Assignment-June Leung

Our group re-make the 'Psychological 2' video clip during.In our re-make we have hold the shot very steady.It's because most of the shots me used a tripod to help.Also,we practiced a lot before filming.And to in cases the shots are not enough,we took several times for each scene.After that,we chose the best one to use,therefore the quality of the video can be proof.The video clip we firmed are smooth and the color which we use white balance is correct.Besides,we focus very good this time,especially the one focus on the necklace.from not focus to focus.We control it very well and every shots we did it on a slow and clear way to show the audience,make it very clear.Then,we use different shot types to shot our video clip.Which we did use close up for the actor and the pendant,extreme close up for the actor to show her expression and emotion,a lot of mid close up for the location,actor,pendant and the pond,long shot for the birds and the extreme long shot for the second actor.Also used the 180 C rule and 30 C rule,make the video clip more organized.To talk with the angle,we have only used high and canted angle.It's because high angle make the actor look more vulnerable and in our cases the actor are suppose to be scared and not powerful,so we can't use high angle.And we used canted angle to show the dynamic of the actor.And movement,we used all pan,track and zoom to follow the actor and the objects.Finally,we have notice the head room and the lead room.

Secondly,after filming we edited it.We put all the shots together,we choose the best one and put it in our video clip.It's seem very smooth and make sense.Our transitions look good as well which is very impressive.In the process of editing,we make the video clip darker to make it more scary.Moreover,some of the shots we make the actor move faster,aim to make it more mystery.

We don't have to do make up in our video,the actor just have to dress up appropriate.Although the actor are girl but she dresses very formal and look like a men.Pendant is our only prop,we brought one which is very alike with the original one.Also,the locations was very suitable which is inside the university of Nottingham.There got all we need such as pond,chair,trees and birds.Moreover,there don't have many people around,make the process of filming goes very smooth.We just have to set the tripod to the right place,make sure ti balanced.And make sure our stuff are not in the video.Finally the actor are very impressive.It's because she finished the shots very good in once.We don't jave to NG so many times.Her performance are great especially her expression and emotion,It look very real.

First of all,we planned the idea together in group,we both share ideas and finally got a result we both agree.After Elaine found the location to film,i completed the storyboard.And we went to university of Nottingham to film.I did most of the filming part and some of the edit.However,we don't have enough time to make the background music which is not good enough.In my opinion,the thing we have to improve is the time control.It's because this time the time control is bad,therefore the video are very long and after we cut it,it seem better but still more than 40 seconds,so next time we have to make sure what exact time we have to take.

For the final coursework will be totally different,because of the different storyline.But most of the skill we used should be the same.Also,I would like to make more effect to make it looks more scary.And try to use different skill.

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