Sunday 22 April 2012

Evaluation Question 1


Question 1: In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The existing film I used to compare with my own film is WHAT LIES BENEATH.

1:How does the image use,develop or challenge existing conventions from your sub-genre?
The story of WHAT LIES BENEATH inspired me the scene that the character was being attack in the bathroom. But the different was there have no ghost actually appear in WHAT LIES BENEATH,but in my own film you can actually see how the character was being killed by the ghost. Also, WHAT LIES BENEATH was talking about only two main characters and so does my own film-A couple and a ghost in the house. This is a very good ideas of characters choosing because it's more easy to account of in two minutes film.Moreover,the color and the lighting.I used a quite dark and blue color which similar to WHAT LIES BENEATH.

2:How does the titles and company use,develop or challenge existing conventions from you sub-genre?

In WHAT LIES BENEATH,the titles are invisible appear in the ocean.Which is better idea compare with mine.It's because their title can bring out the main theme and it's more special. And my title was just white words in black background,it's very simple but eyes catching and clean.
Then,the production logo of WHAT LIES BENEATH are only a simple and obvious idea but mine can bring out our production company was aim for making horror film.

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