Monday 23 April 2012

Some problem

There have some problem in our horror film are not the same as what we design as there have some physical and human problems::::

1.)The Characters make up
Consider to make it more scary,we want to use a contact lens like the picture above.But because the actress was not feeling good with it therefore we have to remove this make up.

2.)The Steam
We want the bathroom to be full of steam which look more scary and mystery.Audience can't really see what happen inside then they will start to guess.But we tried to open up the hottest water but the effect was not obvious which cause by the bathroom was too big and the even the windows and door were close but there still some steam going out.

3.)The ghost appear

From the original idea we want the ghost appear on the bed which like the video clip below(2:43-3:00):

But as the bed was not big enough and it's not easy to do it with good effect therefore we decide to change to the ghost appear under the bed like which shows below:

4)A missing scene

The original of my story i would like the water coming out from the bathroom and Leo discover something happen inside the bathroom.But because of the carpet absorbs most of the water,so we decide to cancel this scene.

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