Tuesday 24 April 2012


Question4:Who would be the audience for your media product?
Target audience are the people to whom you cater a particular product or service.It's very important to know who is the target audience for my film.It's because as i identify who is my target audience I can also better identify what medias to advertise through and how to create my advertisement. If you don't know who to market to, you won't know how to market to them either.For example,i already set aged 15-21 is my target audience,then i can start to do research how to attract this age group of people.As i do more research i could know better about them and product what they want to watch.Also to create the advertisement,if this group of people are always on social networking,I can create a facebook page of my film and my production company.But if I didn't set a target audience,then i have no idea where start and there have large range that i have to research.Besides the age group,target audience can also look at gender,race,job and income. 

And the target audience of my horror film will be the teenage group which is around 15-21 years old ,people in this age group would be very attempt to watch horror films especially the age of 15-17 because they are under the legal age of 18,some of the horror film they are not allow to watch.Thus,my horror film will attract them to watch as my horror film are not very bloody and scary which is suitable for age 15-17.As many of my competitors' target audience will be age 18 or above,my horror film will be more likely to target age 15-17 which will have a large amount of people and less competitor.

Also,in gender,males are going to my target audience.According to the research I have done,most of the people watching horror films are usually males.It's because males will have more interest to watch horror film and females often watch romantic films.But at the same time,my media product will also target females,because my story are base on a couple in the house.So,it's very reality to the females whose in a relationship.

Finally,there have no specific race will be the target audience.Everyone in different place can watch the horror film.But most of them would be the non-us group.It's because in my research,non-us people watch much more horror film than us people.Moreover,Chinese will be one of our big target audience,as my horror film is produce by Chinese people and the actors as well.As a consequence,Chinese people may interest to watch.But The film are English,so it can be both Chinese and non-us.

There is a example of my research of target audience with the horror film-The Ring:

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