Tuesday 24 April 2012

Question 2

Question 2:How does your media product represent particular social groups?

  1. Analyse the Representation in existing films form your Sub-genre.

    The sub-genre of both horror films-The Ring and The Grudge 2 was the ghost which is the same of mine.Im going to analysis the age,gender and race to see how  my media product represent particular social groups.

    Firstly,most of the victim would more likely to be female either in my own media project or in my research like the horror films above.As far as why women always victims, it has to do with audience perception of women. they are usually soft and meek. These qualities in a women attract the audience's sympathy. They are very concerned about their well-being and we do not want anything bad happening to them. So our attention is at peak when a women is victimized; thus we become more involved in the plot.Moreover to consider the age of the victim,there have no specify age to being a victim.In the horror film-The Ring,the victims are from young to old.But usually not above 50 due to they are not active and may not attract the audience.However,the child would always appear on the horror film.It's because child are same as female they are very soft and week,the audience will get attract to it such as the little boy in The Ring.And the average age of the victim will be age 17-30 such as The Grudge,there have some student being the victim.Finally,the race of the victim would mainly depend on which country was making the horror film.For example,in European the race would always UK or USA.And in Asia the race would likely to be Japanese or Chinese.

    As female,people age17-30 are typically portrayed as the damsel in distress,this follow the stereotypes.The stereotypes can be define by a fixed, commonly held notion or image of a person or group, based on an oversimplification of some observed or imagined trait of behavior or appearance.
How has your planning evidenced your understanding of social groups representation?
Choice of actor : 

In my media project i choice female to be the ghost of my film,It's because according to my research audience are most likely to see the female ghost.Also,It related to the conventions as most of the ghost in the horror film are female with very long hair,white face and dress.

And the victim will be female as we already know female are best to be victim as they are soft and week.

Many of the horror film have got a male which acting the boyfriend or husband of the female.And therefore I choice a boy as well in my media project.And he is also one of the victim to make my short media project full of content.

My story are base on the a couple in the house. At the beginning,Elaine(Girlfriend) was planning to have shower,when she walked in the bathroom she found out her boyfriend(Leo) didn't turn the tap off. Elaine was very angry because this is not the first time and went out to argue with Leo. But Leo said he didn't use it,Elaine though he's lying. And when Elaine walked into the bathroom again she saw the tap was open again. Scared by the tap,she looked around the bathroom. Meanwhile,the ghost appear and killed Elaine by drown . After Elaine was being killed,the ghost start to attack Leo. The ghost came out under the bed and lay on it . Leo though the ghost was her girlfriend,therefore he try to stroke her hand and apologize. But then,the ghost disappear and Leo found out her girlfriend was being killed in the bathroom. When he looked above,he saw the ghost. Finally,he shout which mean he is going to be the next one.
Therefore the film decide to be-YOU NEVER KNOW

The story are very common in my sub-genre,thus i made the ghost appear more especially my film only got two minutes.In order to make the content more full,the ghost have to appear all the time as it was the key point.

This is my pervious storyboard/script,as i change the story before and i didn't draw a storyboard for my new story,therefore i posted my old storyboard and script.It is the same sub-genre thus it's good to have another example.

Target audience research sheets:
This is my target audience research,as the result of my research most audience are males under 18.Therefore to cater the social group,age 15 will be my target audience.Moreover,most of the audiences are male because they are more daring to watch and found horror film exciting.Finally,the race of my horror film would be non-us.It's because people non-us watch more horror film than people in us.
  1. Construction and Feedback

Both of the pictures above are similar represent social group.Which is showing the relationship between  male and female.But in my media project my age of the characters are younger which is 18-20,which is just in a relationship compare to the existing film-What lies beneath,they are married couple with age around 30-40.

And to talk about how I have created my own representation.I chose a younger couple is because my target audience was around 15-20,and if my characters are the same social group with them they will get more attention and interest to my horror movie.Also,they are a couple many of the couple in this age group may get interest to know more about it.Finally because im a Chinese therefore I would like to invite Chinese actor.Then the social group will become more international.

After i discuss with my audience,they agree and think i represented the issue of age,gender and race.It's because they are in the same social group,therefore they have resonance.The picture below was the key word of the representation of social group:

Feedback from my audience::

This is the feedback form from my audience,according to this. Most of them think my represents  issues of age/gender and can is very natural and the represents of age would be positive.

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