Thursday 26 April 2012

Final film

This is the end of my media project,I have learn a lot during the media cause work!Not only the skill of filming,i have learn how to plan before I film everything.It is because my first film story was not consider very well therefore it have to be cancel because the idea and the characters are not suitable. Due to the first of my story are based on the married couple with the son but we cant really find some actor in that age thus we change our whole story to talk about couple in a relationship.There have many thing to do in the planning and i have never though about before i study media such as storyboard,script and huge amount of research,target audience set.

And in the process of filming,I have learn 180 degree rule and 30 degree rule.Also different shot types such as close up,mid close up,extreme close up,long shot and mid shot.Moreover different angles like high angle to show how weak the character was and low angle to show how powerful.

Finally the research i have done,and in the evaluation.I learnt a lot of skill like after filming where my film are going to release and the marketing.

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