Thursday 26 April 2012


What I always remind myself:

  • Make sure my make up look real and scary
  • It's okay to be a bit funny, but don't overdo it. If you are going to use humor, it is best to use black humor. The Evil Dead 2 did this, and the movie turned out amazing.In this case,i have used a teddy bear to show the different between gentle and horror.
  • Don’t steal others idea.
  • Don’t be too out there with your plot.
  • Don’t have too many plot twists; that's not scary, it's just confusing.
  • Don't do anything that will look fake or is too hard to act out. It will look cheesy.
  • Don't have too many stereotypes in it. 
  • Do not act out a death scene in public places, you are likely to have the cops called on you or angry people will yell.
  • Don't disrupt the flow of vehicle traffic 
  • If I are using a video creator/editor on your computer, constantly save your work. Otherwise, I have the chance of losing all my hard work just after finishing it, and being forced to start all over again.
  • Do not use the same spot to film over and over! Have some variety.
  • Make sure my lighting is correct!
  • Make sure i did white balance before filming
  • And just because it's a horror film, does not mean to put others lives in harm's way.

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